Monday, December 10, 2007

What Kind of People?

Some cynics dismiss the Bible and Christians as hopelessly out of touch with the times or malicious hypocrites. Many critics of Christians and the church rage against what they see as moralism forced down upon them. When I read a passage like this one, 1 Peter 3:1-12, I wonder what our families and churches would actually be like if we followed Peter's call for holy living? Wives whose adornment is their character and faith rather than the latest fashion. Husbands who cherish their wives and respect them. Blessings and humility in our relations with neighbors and friends. Who wouldn't want to live in a community that looked like this? Maybe Christians are out of touch with the times. Maybe Chesterton was right that Christians are the real rebels. I would like to see more Christians living out of step with the times and in step with the Apostolic witness to the Risen Lord.

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