Friday, December 28, 2007

Instruction for Christian Leaders

In 1 Peter 5 we find a concise summary of the basics of Christian leadership. This is one of those passages that will take a lifetime to live out. If church leaders would implement Peter's advice, their churches would be well led. Here we find key principles of leadership for the church: humility, voluntary service, examples of faith to the church, exercising oversight under the will of God, avoiding sordid gain, resisting evil and the Evil One, following Christ.

May God bless the church with such leaders.

Sharing with Christ

Far too often we think of fellowship with Christ as sharing in his blessings, his purpose and the life he gives us. Peter is adamant that life with Christ means fellowship with him in all things: blessings and suffering. The Table of the Lord is an excellent reminder that life with Christ brings the sweet and the bitter, just as the Passover meal illustrated for the Hebrews.

"If you are reviled for the name of Christ, you are blessed, because the Spirit of glory and of God rests on you. Make sure that none of you suffers as a murderer, or thief, or evildoer, or a troublesome meddler; but if anyone suffers as a Christian, he is not to be ashamed, but is to glorify God in this name" (1 Peter 4:14-16).

My reality check comes with opposition and difficulty times. Do I thank God then or only when I am showered with blessings?

Monday, December 17, 2007

The End of All Things

"The end of all things is near; therefore, be of sound judgment and sober spirit for the purpose of prayer" (1 Peter 4:7).

By 1830 William Miller became convinced that 1844 was the year of the return of the Messiah. He based his calculations on study of the Bible and dates assigned to events in various prophetic books (Daniel, Ezekiel and Revelation). Many Christians were convinced that Miller was right, abandoned their farms or sold their homes and left their employment to wait for the return of the Messiah. When 1844 passed without a visible return of Christ, that year became known as the Great Disappointment. Those influenced by Miller split into a number of groups but did not give up on his view of the imminent return of Christ. The Jehovah's Witnesses and Seventh Day Adventists are descendants of those who followed Miller. The current teaching is that Christ return occurred in heaven and is invisible to those on earth.

I tell this story (briefly) as a reminder that we lack the knowledge to assess matters of faith that are known only to the mind of God. The return of Christ is one of these matters. Yes we are to live expecting the return of Christ but with are to do so with sober minds. We are to live lives of hope, prayer, hospitality and service so that we bear witness to Christ not to madness. The expectation of Christ's return and God's judgment calls us to live in the world but not of the world. We remain in the world as obedient servants of Christ, loving our neighbors not abandoning them so we can greet Christ on the top of a mountain. Read all of 1 Peter 4:7-11.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

The Time In The Flesh

"Therefore, since Christ has suffered in the flesh, arm yourselves also with the same purpose, because he who has suffered in the flesh has ceased from sin, so as to live the rest of the time in the flesh no longer for the lusts of men, but for the will of God" (1 Peter 4:2,3).

Christ has redeemed the flesh through his obedience, his teaching and his suffering. The Bible uses flesh to indicate that dimension of life which is lived in opposition to God. Though man was created in the image of God, our flesh has been cursed because of the fall. Flesh that was in harmony with the spirit of man and the will of God became an enemy. Jesus came to the world and assumed the flesh of man in order to overturn the curse and restore wholeness to man and return man to fellowship with the will of God. Through faith in Christ our flesh no longer wars with our spirit and we have peace in God. It is through this peace that we find meaning in our time in the flesh. We now live in the flesh, not under the curse, but for the will of God. Because of this truth we find meaning and purpose because we suffer. Through Christ we now understand suffering as death to the way of sin and life in God.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

The Low Approval Rating of Congress

Approval rating for Congress is 22% compared to 37% for President Bush. See my previous post on the credibility of Congress for one possible reason why it is so low.

Read the Gallup analysis of Congressional approval rating.

Colorado Gunman Leaves Anti-Christian Message

Matthew Murray posted anti-Christian rants in between shooting sprees at Youth With A Mission and Life Church in Colorado. Here is a sample:

"God, I can't wait till I can kill you people. Feel no remorse, no sense of shame, I don't care if I live or die in the shoot-out. All I want to do is kill and injure as many of you ... as I can especially Christians who are to blame for most of the problems in the world."

I wonder where he got that idea?

Read Gunman May Have Warned of 2nd Attack.

Why Politicians Lack Credibility

USA Today has an interesting story about Earmarks in today's paper. Earmarks are spending provisions attached to another unrelated bill to benefit a lawmaker's district and elevate his political stature. Another name for this practice is pork spending. Democrats made this an issue in 2006 and USA Today credits that campaign issue as one key factor in Democrats gaining control of the House of Representatives. Now Democrats are using Earmarks to help freshmen Democrats viewed as vulnerable in the 2008 campaign - all of the 49 freshmen Democrats have sponsored or co-sponsored an earmark in the current proposed spending legislation.

"Democratic candidates accused GOP incumbents last year of abusing earmarks. Patrick Murphy attacked then-congressman Mike Fitzpatrick, R-Pa., during a debate for failing to make the "tough decisions" on a transportation bill heavy with earmarks, the Bucks County Courier Times reported. Now a representative, Murphy sponsored $11.8 million for local projects and businesses - fourth-highest among House and Senate freshmen. In an e-mail, Murphy pointed to new rules requiring earmark sponsors to be disclosed for the first time. The House also requires members to disclose each earmark recipient. Murphy said he makes "no apologies for fighting hard for my district.""

And politicians wonder why they have approval ratings just below used car salesmen?

Read 'Earmark' Cash Aids Democrat Freshmen in USA Today.

Understanding Christian Suffering

In 1 Peter 3:15-22 the topic turns again to the suffering of Christians. The suffering Peter has in view here is that opposition or persecution that comes from doing what is right. He is not talking about being inconvenienced or when we rile others by being annoying. The key phrase in these verses is "sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts." Simply put Jesus suffered for our cleansing and spiritual health, if He suffers for us we may be called upon to suffer for his name. The Christian is one who takes the path of following Jesus and that means he is our Lord. We belong to him and are not our own. Our tendency is to look out for ourselves, avoiding confrontation and conflict, especially if it will cost us something. The work of Christ in us is putting to death our flesh, which is that sphere of human will and activity which is opposed to God. It is only as we sanctify Christ as Lord in our hearts that we have direction for doing what is right and for understanding the opposition we will meet. Baptism is the sign that Christ is our Lord and symbol of his washing of our hearts. Baptism reminds us that we are not our own Lord but have submitted to Christ.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Intimidation and Trouble

"Who is there to harm you if you prove zealous for what is good? But even if you should suffer for the sake of righteousness, you are blessed. And do not fear their intimidation, and do not be troubled" (1 Peter 3:13-14).

Peter was a realist. He understood that Christians could be perceived as a source of tension as well as a source of blessing in the world. Even when Christians are obedient to Christ and blessing their neighbors there are those who will be threatened by this behavior because it is counter cultural and upsets power structures. Some authorities will have a vested interest in the way things are. The Christian lives by a different standard: obedience to Christ. A militant atheist like Richard Dawkins sees Jesus as a threat to the authority of science (though I do not). The racist is threatened by Jesus because God desires to bring good news to every tribe and nation. So the view of the Christian is to fear the authority of God and to obey Christ. If we encounter blessing or we suffer for the sake of righteousness, God is honored in each circumstance. We are to live in a way that honors God, there we find life.

Monday, December 10, 2007

What Kind of People?

Some cynics dismiss the Bible and Christians as hopelessly out of touch with the times or malicious hypocrites. Many critics of Christians and the church rage against what they see as moralism forced down upon them. When I read a passage like this one, 1 Peter 3:1-12, I wonder what our families and churches would actually be like if we followed Peter's call for holy living? Wives whose adornment is their character and faith rather than the latest fashion. Husbands who cherish their wives and respect them. Blessings and humility in our relations with neighbors and friends. Who wouldn't want to live in a community that looked like this? Maybe Christians are out of touch with the times. Maybe Chesterton was right that Christians are the real rebels. I would like to see more Christians living out of step with the times and in step with the Apostolic witness to the Risen Lord.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

The Gospel of Judas - According to National Geographic

The New York Times is reporting that the Gospel of Judas Iscariot story reported by National Geographic was not all it purported to be. Hat Tip to Michael Sammamish at the Moral Christian blog. You can read the NY Times story here. The story is written by April DeConick, a professor of Biblical Studies at Rice University and author of The Thirteenth Apostle: What the Gospel of Judas Really Says.

This is another case of a journalist's desire for an exclusive story leading to bad decisions. National Geographic used their own experts and restricted access to the text so they would get the story first. The problem is that led to getting the story wrong as well. Judas is not a hero, he is portrayed as a demon in the gnostic text. The author of the ancient text was trying to undermine the story of Jesus by portraying him as sacrificed to the king of demons rather than the supreme God. DeConick uncovers at least one act she refers to as "egregious" - "a single alteration made to the original Coptic." In other words one or more of the National Geographic scholars removed a word from the original.

Lot's of questions here. Why did the National Geographic Society behave this way? Why did the media rush so eagerly and uncritically to repeat this story? I suggest two possibilities: the desire to be first on the story and second a desire to find an alternative to Jesus as portrayed in the Bible.

In my opinion two factors

Fear God, Honor the King

Peter has been writing to Christians dispersed from their homeland, instructing them on how they should live as exiles in their new homelands. One theme that emerges from this letter is that Christians live with a type of dual citizenship. The Christian is a citizen of heaven, longing for the presence of God and a citizen of the nation in which they live on earth, though ultimately a stranger on a sojourn there. In 1 Peter 2:13-25, the Apostle speaks to the matter of governing authorities and how Christians should view the rulers and laws of the land in which they live. The priority for the follower of Jesus is to do good and silence those who would oppose them. They are to live as free men and as servants of God. He sums up this attitude with the phrase: fear God, honor the king. That summary provides clarity as we live with our dual citizenship. We respect the government but we fear and worship God. This wisdom has stood the test of time and provides the standing which helps Christians avoid two errors: accommodation to the government of the moment and the temptation to renounce human governance.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Five Kinds of Christians

Leadership Journal has published the results of a survey commissioned by Christianity Today and Zondervan Publishing, titled Five Kinds of Christians. The study was intended to analyze the 70-80% of Americans viewed as mainstream Christians. Leadership Journal reports three critical issues that have emerged in the study.

1. The local church is no longer considered the only outlet for spiritual growth.
2. Churches must develop relational- and community-oriented outreach.
3. Lay people have to be better equipped to be God's ambassadors.

No kidding.

How much did Zondervan and Christianity Today pay for this survey? Whatever it was they paid way too much. At any point in the last three or four decades they could have drawn the same three conclusions. It has been a long time since the local church has been the only outlet for spiritual growth for 70-80% of Americans who believe in God. Does the calendar at Christianity Today still read 1957?

We have known that 80% of Americans believe in God for a long time. Studies for decades have shown this to be a stable number. We have also known for quite some time that about half that number are actually regular church attenders. There is nothing new here.

We need better leadership in the church. Yep.
We need intentional, relationship building outreach in the community. Yep.
People bring people into the church. Yep.

Could have said all this in 1980. Christianity Today and Zondervan continue to think behind the curve.

Friday, November 30, 2007

Aliens and Strangers

"Live such good lives among the pagans that, though they accuse you of doing wrong, they may see your good deeds and glorify God on the day he visits us" (1 Peter 2:12).

I think Peter gives us the best summary of what it means to live the gospel in the world in 1 Peter 2:11-12. We are aliens and strangers in the world because of our faith Christ. Our faith in Christ has brought us new birth and citizenship. Yet we are still in the world and we are to be visibly engaged with the world. We are to be so engaged that as we live with and among pagans they can see us. Our pagan neighbors should be able to see our obedience resulting in good works - this is to God's glory not ours.

The use of pagan may ring in our ears in a multicultural focused society, but we need to hear that word. Pagan, it reminds us of where we might be, but for Christ. The word reminds us of our true home with God. It also reminds us of the work we have to do - bearing witness to Jesus.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

The Living Stone

"As you come to him, the Living Stone, rejected by men but chosen by God and precious to him" (1 Peter 2:4).

The Living Stone is Jesus, the author of salvation and the foundation of the church. In the Living Stone the church finds her identity and purpose in the world. It is precisely in her obedience to Jesus that the church can bring good news to a world in darkness. When the church ceases to follow the way of Jesus, she ceases to be the salt and light of Jesus. Those who are baptized into Christ become the living stones which form the church upon the foundation, the Living Stone. It is in only in our relationship with Jesus that we find our identity as God's people. Because of Jesus we are treasured by God, chosen for his work and glory in the world.

Monday, November 26, 2007

The Economy. What to Believe?

On Sunday this story worries about how bad the economy will get.

On Monday we read about Americans hitting the stores so hard at the beginning of the Christmas shopping season that records are set.

Who do we believe, the experts or the shoppers?

Obeying the Truth

"Now that you have purified yourselves by obeying the truth so that you have sincere love for your brothers, love one another deeply, from the heart" (1 Peter 1:22).

We are more accustomed to think of knowing the truth, Peter takes us one step farther in living the gospel by calling us to obey the truth. The wisdom of the Bible would say that we have not really known the truth if it does not lead to obedience and action. Truth that is known but not lived is not really known.

In these verses, Peter draws out a crucial implication of the gospel of Christ. To know God and be known by him leads us to love our brothers. As Jesus taught we cannot claim to love God and withhold love from our neighbor. This is why we are placed in the world and in the church. In the church we learn to love our brothers and sisters in Christ. In the world we learn to love our neighbor as God loved the world in Christ.

If we do not serve both the church and the world, we demonstrate that we have not understood the gospel of Christ. In that circumstance we are far from it.

Hope in God

"Through him you believe in God, who raised him from the dead and glorified him, and so your faith and hope are in God" (1 Peter 1:21).

At every turn we are tempted to place our hope in something other than God. Following Jesus means precisely this, to place our hope only in God, not in our ability, our intelligence, our trendiness, our heritage, only in God. Jesus was obedient to God and his purpose, a path that led to the cross. God then raised his Son and glorified him. It is difficult for Americans to take the path of self denial, which affirms God, obeying Christ at every step. Christ calls us to deny self promotion, he leads to the way of service and obedience, calling us to wait on the Lord for salvation and exaltation.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

President Bush and Stem Cell Research

Today's news about developing stem cells from human skin cells is good news for President Bush. He did the right thing on the stand he took regarding federal funding for stem cell research. Providing funds for research on the currently available stem cells without funding research that did not require the creation of human embryos which would subsequently be destroyed was the moral course to take. It makes a difference having a pro-life President in the office. Thank you.

New Research on Stem Cells

Researchers have reported a Stem Cell Breakthrough which does not use embryos or women's eggs. The technology uses human skin cells to develop stem cells. The Washington Post has a thorough story here.

It has to be gratifying to both scientists working in this field and to ethicists who objected to the use of human embryos and eggs on moral grounds. This is a win for everyone. Science advances without reducing human dignity. A lesson here perhaps?

Holiness and Action

"Just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do" (1 Peter 1:15).

Many Christians conceive of holiness in terms of inaction, i.e. what we do not do. Too often the church, usually well intentioned, preaches this form of holiness. When I was young this view was expressed by the ditty, "don't drink, don't chew, don't go with girls who do." So we end up with a truncated holiness marked by withdrawal from the world, sin and evil.

Peter presents a more vigorous holiness. "prepare your minds for action" calling us to holiness prompted by grace and hope in Jesus Christ leading to being holy in all we do. This is the holiness that transforms individuals, families, society and culture by conforming to Christ rather than the world. This holiness is identified by counter cultural living shaped by the gospel, the Bible and faith in Jesus. Don't like the depravity depicted in a film? Then make an excellent film that depicts the human condition honestly and hopefully because God is living and active. Christians are called to an active obedience in their holiness, being holy as He is holy.

Friday, November 16, 2007

Concerning this Salvation

"It was revealed to them that they were serving not themselves but you, in the things that have now been announced to you through those who preached the good news to you by the Holy Spirit sent from heaven, things into which angels long to look" (1 Peter 1:12).

The prophets of Israel were inspired by God to speak to their countrymen proclaiming the Word of God, warning against sin and judgment, calling Israelites to repentance and obedience. With greater foresight they spoke of One who would come, bringing to earth the reign of God. This kingdom would not come in their lifetime, they would not see Him with their eyes but by their faith. For their service we are grateful. Because they obeyed God at great cost the good news was announced and we have been blessed by their teaching and their example. Their service reminds us that what we put our hands to each day, God will use that work to bless others. Will God bless someone tomorrow because of what I do today? He will if I submit my day to Him.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

The Truth in Religion

John Polkinghorne reviews two books contributing to the recent conversation on atheism which has been accelerated by Richard Dawkins, Christopher Hitchens and Daniel Dennett. One of the books is written from the point of view of Richard Dawkins' guardian angel, who also was the guardian angel of Charles Darwin. Polkinghorne was professor of mathematical physics at Cambridge and is also an Anglican priest.

Read: The Truth in Religion

The New Adultolescence

Christian Smith has a new article in Books and Culture discussing the trend of an extended transition into adulthood among those 18-30.

Read Getting A Life: the challenge of emerging adulthood

Your thoughts?

Genuine Faith - Tested

"You have been grieved by various trials" (1 Peter 1:6).

How we we understand suffering is an important question put to every religion and philosophy. For the Christian it is even more pointed. If God is good, loving, almighty, all-knowing - why do people suffer? If I am a Christian how should I understand my suffering? For the Christian there are two kinds of suffering to keep in mind. One kind all people experience in daily life: death, pain, betrayal, evil. The second kind of suffering is persecution or suffering because of the name of Jesus: a man loses his job because of his faith in Christ. Peter will continue to address this theme throughout the letter, but here he gives an important answer for the Christian to keep in mind. Suffering tests our faith, much like opposition tests our resolve. When we make a decision to pursue a goal we often encounter opposition. That opposition will reveal how strongly we want to accomplish the goal before us. When I made the decision to attend graduate school I encountered opposition. Our preacher's wife warned me about becoming too heavenly minded to be any earthly good (they wanted me to serve with them as a youth minister). When I arrived in east Tennessee my student loan had not arrived so I faced the beginning of the semester with a bill from the seminary and no cash (and no job, at least at the beginning). I learned to persevere, to complete the task at hand in the face of obstacles - which has been an important lesson for life.

For the Christian faith it is the same. Our faith grows stronger by living through trials and suffering. We learn to see opposition and set backs as an opportunity to test our faith rather than the absence of God's favor. We learn that God walks with us through the trial and provides the strength and resources for the test - if we trust him. Our faith emerges stronger to the honor of Christ who goes before us in every trial.

There is more to say about this but we will save that for another post.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Living Hope

"Born again to a living hope" (1 Peter 1:3)

This theme of a living hope expands on the idea of the Christian as a resident alien, a citizen of heaven residing on the earth in history. Through the work of Jesus Christ we have a hope that informs the way we live now. This hope follows the meaning of the incarnation. Jesus is the Word made flesh, God immersing himself in history as a man, assuming human flesh. The Christian lives out his hope not by escaping the world or isolating himself from it, but living with hope in the world. This sort of living is possible because it is based in the resurrection of Jesus, it is also redemptive living as we follow Jesus by remaining in the world but not of it. Living hope is possible because of the favor and blessing of God flowing from His mercy. We have hope not just in heaven, but in faithfully following Christ here, experiencing redemption and becoming a presence of hope in the world.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Indiana collects $9.6 billion from gambling since 1989

State rakes in $9.6 billion in gambling.

Nice article in the Indianapolis Star on gambling income for the state of Indiana. After all who could be against all that money coming into state coffers, especially when large numbers of those gamblers are from out of state? I do have some questions that the Star does not address.

1. This casino money was supposed to lower taxes and help schools. Where are those numbers?

2. Addiction to gambling is a known problem. This article does not even ask that question.

Resident Aliens - 1 Peter 1

Addressed to Christians living as aliens, the letter of First Peter has always resonated with me. It seems appropriate that we should think of ourselves as living between two home countries: our homeland on earth and our home with God in heaven. For me that means I take seriously my witness to Christ as an American citizen who loves his country, just as I expect a Christian born and raised in China would love her country and bear witness to Christ as a citizen in her homeland.

Yet we are also citizens of heaven, intended to live fully with God and that cannot be completely expressed this side of history. As long as we walk this earth, Christians will experience longing for God that will be realized at the end of history. This tension is important to maintain. If we believe that the full kingdom of God will be realized before the judgment of Christ we will be susceptible to various utopian schemes and illusions, trying to establish God's reign by our power. On the other hand, if we don't understand that the kingdom of God is to be lived out in human history we lapse into an escapism that neglects our present stewardship for a future calling.

As Peter put it so well we reside here as aliens "chosen according to the foreknowledge of God the Father, by the sanctifying work of the Spirit, to obey Jesus Christ and be sprinkled with His blood" (1 Peter 1:2). God is cleansing us now to obey Christ where we reside as citizens, yet our hearts long for a reunion in heaven.

Russ Blowers

Russ Blowers, senior minister emeritus of East 91st Street Christian Church, has passed away at 83.

Russ was a friend of the Christian Student Foundation, participating in the groundbreaking for the Christian Campus House, E. 91st Street has been a long time supporter of our ministry at Ball State. Russ was a effective pastor, a mentor to many young ministers and a leader among many ministries beyond the E. 91st Street congregation. The Indianapolis Star obituary is here.

Russ married Marion Blowers in 1946. During the final of their marriage Marion suffered from Alzheimer's Disease until her death in 2004. During that last decade Russ was a devoted caregiver, visiting her daily.

Russ Blowers was a first among equals among Christian leaders of his generation. A nationally known pastor he was always a Christian gentlemen marked by grace, humility and firm Christian commitment to the gospel of Christ. When you spoke with Russ you had his full attention, treating you as if you were the most important person he could be talking to at that moment.

Our prayers are with the Blowers family.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Why this blog?

Just so folks know where I am coming from, a few thoughts on the basics which will inform this blog.

Jesus. I am a follower of Jesus and very much ok with the name Christian. Actually prefer Christian instead of the trendy Christ follower moniker taken up by so many recently. I believe Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God, fully Man and fully God.

God. The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

The Bible. The Bible is the Word of God and I try my best to take it seriously as such. I know some folks would like to call me a biblicist or fundamentalist, but that is their problem not mine. Since the Bible is our primary document on the life of Jesus I find it authoritative and foundational for the Christian faith and the Church.

The Church. I don't expect the Church to be any thing other than what it is, a people gathered together through faith in Christ and by the power of the Holy Spirit. I expect to find people in the Church who are at various levels of spiritual maturity, people who have stuff to work on. No utopian fantasies of the perfect church here. I am continually amazed at how God works through people as messed up as we are. Why God has decided to use such flawed people in the service of His purpose is beyond me. But God does and I am glad.

People. Created by God in his image, capable of nobility, goodness, creativity and love. Everyone has also sinned and is profoundly shaped by that rebellion. Both statements are true and must be taken into account when dealing with people and society. Because of sin, mankind needs the redemptive power of Jesus in their lives.

Family. The first priority in my life after my relationship with God. Wonderful wife who I don't deserve but receive as a gift from God. Four delightful children who brighten my life with energy, faith and love. I believe the family is the foundation of society and state, preceding the government in God's economy. Any government which does not protect and nourish the family is derelict of duty.

Marriage. The union of a man and a woman in life-long commitment. All familial relationships stem from this root. It may be a household but it is not a family without marriage in the root system or DNA. Sex is unsafe and outside the economy of God unless it is expressed in the love and commitment of marriage.

I think that's it for now. I reserve the right to edit this post in case I think of something else to put here.